What is the Youth Peer Advocate Training?
The Youth Peer Advocate Training introduces new YPAs to their role and to the skills they will need to effectively engage and empower young people. This training includes self-paced online modules, a multi-day, “live” training on Zoom, and a series of coaching phone calls. Successful completion of the YPA Training is required for anyone seeking a Youth Peer Advocate Credential in New York State.

Who Should Participate in the Youth Peer Advocate Training?

Those who meet the qualifications to be a Youth Peer Advocate are eligible to participate in the training. A Youth Peer Advocate is an individual between 18-30 years of age who has self-identified as a person who has first-hand experience with emotional (mental health), behavioral challenges, and/or co-occurring disorders as a young person or has received services in any one of the child-serving systems (juvenile justice, special education, substance use disorder, or foster care). YPAs use their lived experience to assist in supporting youth in their resiliency/recovery and wellness.

How Do I Access the Youth Peer Advocate Training?

When you click the button below you will be redirected to the Self-Learning Center hosted by our partners from the Community Technical Assistance Center of New York (CTAC). This is where you will access the online training modules.

More information about each level of YPA Training is available in the menus below.

CLICK HERE for a ‘Getting Started’ guide.
Access Code to enroll in the training: YPATraining

YPA Training Level One

Choose this pathway if…

  • You are 18-30 years old and self-identify as a person who has first-hand experience with emotional (mental health), behavioral challenges, and/or co-occurring disorders as a young person or have received services in any one of the child-serving systems (juvenile justice, special education, substance use disorder, or foster care). 
  • You already have a job as a YPA or if you might be interested in becoming a YPA in the future.  

Below is a preview of topics covered in the YPA Training Level One (self-paced online modules). Each module takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour to complete.

Introduction to the Youth Peer Advocate Service
Developing Self Efficacy Skills
Cultural Competence
Professional Expectations
Small Group Facilitation
Navigating the System
Documenting Your Work

YPA Training Level Two

Choose this pathway if….

  • You have completed the YPA Training Level One (self-paced online modules).
  • Access will be automatically granted upon completion of the Level 1 post-training self-efficacy questionnaire and post-training knowledge survey.

Below is a preview of topics covered in the YPA Training Level 2 (self-paced online modules). Each module takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour to complete.

Working Across Systems
Part 1 Service Systems
Part 2 Service Systems
Education into Career
Understanding Marginalized Populations

YPA Virtual/Live Training

Continue with this pathway if…

  • You hold a current YPA Provisional Credential; and,
  • You have completed ALL of the Level 1 and Level 2 self-paced online modules; and,
  • You are currently providing services that fill within the role of a YPA (employed or formal volunteer) and are working independently with youth/young adults for at least 3 months; and,
  • You are available to participate in the full training along followed by weekly coaching calls.

Availability is limited to the first 16 eligible registrants. If you do not yet meet training requirements, your registration will be cancelled.


4-Day Training:
1-hour Mandatory Orientation Monday, September 23 @ 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Thursday-Friday, September 26-27 and
Monday-Tuesday, September 30-October 1 
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM each day
Trainees are also required to participate in weekly, one-hour coaching calls following completion of the virtual training. We will meet on Wednesdays @ 1:00pm – 2:00pm from 10/16 through 12/4, skipping 11/27.

Pre-Register with a brief survey to confirm your eligibility: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YPARegSept2024

Contact Us

For all general inquires about the YPA Training & Credential pathway, please email YPACredential@FTNYS.org or call (518) 432-0333 ext.18 and leave a voicemail.

Please allow up to 3 business days for a reply.