resiliency. noun. 1. An individual’s ability to cope with adversity and adapt to challenges or change.
recovery. noun. 1. A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.
In the world of Family Peer Support and Youth Peer Support, small miracles happen everyday. As families and young people with lived experience navigating the child-serving systems, we often hear so much about the difficulties we face, but how often do we reflect on our success overcoming them to achieve our goals? No matter how small, families and young people have achieved remarkable feats of resilience together and we want to celebrate them.
Not sure what to share? Anything you are proud of, no matter how small! Success looks different for everyone. If you aren’t sure, ask the young person in your life about a goal they met, a challenge they overcame, a good deed they did for someone, an act that took courage, or something they were able to do that surprised them.
“My son was diagnosed with autism and mental health challenges. People warned us that he wouldn’t be able to finish high school. He is now enrolled in college! With the strong support system we’ve built together, the future is very bright for my son.” -A Parent from the Capital Region.
Why share your story? Sometimes hope is hard to come by. Often good news is lost in the constant negativity. Your family’s story of success could brighten someone else’s day and help them push forward- you never know whose walking in your shoes!
Share your family’s personal stories of resiliency, recovery and success by clicking the button below. All submissions are anonymous.